A Moment last all of a
But the Memory lives on

For the present time we are not offering
Wedding Package.
Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
Funeral Services.
Filming a funeral service is quite common these days.
Distance and the rising costs of fuel are making it harder to attend funerals in person.
With the emotion riding high, it's hard to remember the day as it happened. Who was at the funeral to pay their respects, what did those beautiful flowers look like, what did the celebrant/priest/minister say.
The raw emotion that goes into the reading of the eulogy can never be recreated like it was when your standing at the lectern.
The all important Eulogy generally tells the story of your family members life. Often hearing stories that you didn't know or had forgotten.
Main Memories Videography can film your loved ones Funeral Celebration with all the discretion we possibly can.
We film the service in its entirety with 3 video camera's, following the coffin out to the hearse and as it drives away.
We are also available to film the burial at the cemetery.
We don't offer live streaming but I do put it on Main Memories Videography's website with your family member's page password protected.
Unfortunately due to internet protection laws, this version needs to be edited to include Royalty Free Music.
Your copies of the video is available on USB and/or DVD.

Funeral services will be put on the internet with password protection, allowing you to invite your family and friends to be a part of the service.
Slide Shows
Main Memories Videography also offer slide show's.
Slide show tributes are wonderful memories for
Get together's after a funeral, wake.
Birthday parties,
Anniversary Parties
Photo display for your website.
What ever you want an audio visual display for, we can create one, any length.